Changwoon Choi
Ph.D. Student
Seoul National University

About me
I'm a PhD student at Seoul National University ECE department, advised by Prof. Young Min Kim. My research is focused on 3D computer vision and graphics. During my PhD, I visited UCSD as a visiting graduate student. And I was a research intern in NAVER Cloud. Prior to that, I obtained my Bacheler's degree from Seoul National University. I am always open to new opportunities and collaborations! Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research.
2025.01I received a SNU INMC Young Researcher Award!
2024.12Check our new arXiv preprint Humans as a Calibration Pattern!
Old News
2011.03 - 2014.02Seoul Science High School
2014.03 - 2020.08B.S., Seoul National University, ECE
2020.09 - PresentM.S./Ph.D., Seoul National University, ECE, advised by Young Min Kim
2016.09 - 2018.09ROK Air Force (Operations Command)
2023.05 - 2023.12Visiting Graduate Student, University of California, San Diego, hosted by Hao Su
2023.12 - 2024.03Research Intern, NAVER Cloud (CLOVA)
ReviewerSIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, Pacific Graphics, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, 3DV, ACCV, NeurIPS, TOG